Liberty Regional Medical Center
Employee Calendar

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September 2005
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
12:00 pm
Event: Smoking Cessation
Location: classroom 1

4:00 pm
Event: Pre-Employment Exam
Location: dining room

7:30 am
Event: Cultural Competence
Location: classroom 1
Description: must register with Education to attend

10:00 am
Event: Cultural Competence
Location: classroom 1
Description: must register with Education to attend

11:00 am
Event: Newsletter committee
Location: classroom 2

12:00 pm
Event: Hurricane Relief Fundraiser
Location: classroom 2

1:00 pm
Event: Medicaid PA
Location: classroom 2

3:00 pm
Event: Cultural Competence
Location: classroom 1
Description: must register with education to attend



Event: Sam/Art
Location: adm call

10:00 am
Event: Administration Meeting
Location: Adm board room

9:30 am
Event: Patient Care Conference/NCR PIC
Location: classroom 2

12:30 pm
Event: Product Standardization
Location: classroom 2

4:00 pm
Event: Pre-Employment Exam
Location: dining room

7:00 pm
Event: Leading Ladies Investment Club
Location: dining room

1:00 pm
Event: Quality Outcomes
Location: adm board room

9:00 am
Event: Productivity
Location: classroom 2

9:30 am
Event: Policy Committee
Location: classroom 2

12:00 pm
Event: Patient/Resident Safety
Location: classroom 2

12:00 pm
Event: Smoking Cessation
Location: classroom 1

2:00 pm

6:00 pm
Event: EMT School
Location: classrooms

9:00 am
Event: BLS HCP recert
Location: classroom 1

9:00 am
Event: Pre-Employment Exam
Location: dining room

12:00 pm
Event: Revenue Cycle Improvement Committee
Location: classroom 2
Description: ends 1pm



Event: Scott/Elise
Location: adm call

9:00 am
Event: Skills Day Prep
Location: classroom 1

9:00 am
Event: Pre-Employment Exam
Location: dining room

10:00 am
Event: Administration Board Meeting
Location: Adm Board Room

11:00 am
Event: EOC committee
Location: Adm Board Room

11:00 am
Event: Imaging Precerts
Location: classroom 2
Description: ends 12pm

12:00 pm
Event: Liberty Co. Health Planning Board
Location: classroom 2

6:00 pm
Event: EMT School
Location: classrooms

8:00 am
Event: Skills Day
Location: classrooms

7:00 pm
Event: Study Club
Location: classrooms
Description: ends 9:30p

9:00 am
Event: Powerpoint I
Location: classroom 1

10:00 am
Event: Administration
Location: classroom 2

12:00 pm
Event: Business Office Update
Location: classrooms
Description: ends 2pm

12:00 pm
Event: Smoking Cessation
Location: classroom 1

12:00 pm
Event: IV Pump Demo
Location: classroom 2
Description: ends 2pm

1:30 pm
Event: Newsletter committee
Location: classroom 1
Description: Ends 2:30pm

4:00 pm
Event: Pre-Employment Exam
Location: dining room

6:00 pm
Event: EMT School
Location: classrooms

1:00 pm
Event: M&M Committee
Location: Classroom 2
Description: ends 2:30pm

9:00 am
Event: PHTLS
Location: Classrooms

9:00 am
Event: PHTLS
Location: Classrooms

Event: Lisa/Art
Location: adm call

7:30 am
Event: Organizational Orientation
Location: classroom 1

10:00 am
Event: Adminstration Board Meeting
Location: Adm Board Room

12:00 pm
Event: Tobacco Coalition
Location: classroom 2

6:00 pm
Event: EMT School
Location: classrooms

9:00 am
Event: Nursing Orientation
Location: classroom 1

12:00 pm
Event: Hospital Authority
Location: classrooms

1:00 pm
Event: LTC Orientation
Location: Coastal Manor

3:00 pm
Event: Patient Access Test
Location: classroom 2

3:30 pm
Event: Customer Satisfaction committee
Location: classroom 1

4:00 pm
Event: Pre-Employment Exam
Location: dining room

7:00 pm
Event: Quality Outcomes
Location: admin board room
Description: ends 10pm

9:00 am
Event: Nursing Orientation
Location: classroom 1

10:00 am
Event: Benefit Sessions
Location: classroom 2

12:00 pm
Event: UM/HIM Committee
Location: classroom 2
Description: ends 1:30p

2:00 pm
Event: Director's Meeting
Location: classroom 2

7:00 am
Event: Meridy's Uniform Show
Location: Coastal Manor

9:00 am
Event: Productivity
Location: classroom 2

9:30 am
Event: Policy Committee
Location: classroom 2

12:00 pm
Event: Smoking Cessation
Location: classroom 1

12:00 pm
Event: Patient Care Conference/NCR PIC
Location: classroom 2
Description: ends 3pm

12:30 pm
Event: CEO/Physician's Lunch
Location: Physician's Lounge

1:30 pm
Event: Newsletter committee
Location: classroom 1
Description: ends 2:30pm

2:00 pm

6:00 pm
Event: EMT School
Location: classrooms

7:00 am
Event: Meridy's Uniform Show
Location: classrooms-LRMC

9:00 am
Event: Pre-Employment Exam
Location: dining room

12:00 pm
Event: STAR Luncheon
Location: Physician's Lounge
Description: ends 1pm



Event: Donna/Elise
Location: adm call

7:30 am
Event: CNA Competency
Location: Coastal Manor=SCU Classrooms
Description: ends 10am

9:00 am
Event: Pre-Employment Exam
Location: dining room

10:00 am
Event: Administration Board Meeting
Location: Adm Board Room

11:00 am
Event: EOC Committee
Location: Adm Board Room

12:30 pm
Event: Resuscitation Committee
Location: classroom 2
Description: ends 1:30pm

3:00 pm
Event: 7-3 Shift CNA Team Meeting
Location: SCU Classroom- Coastal Manor

6:00 pm
Event: EMT School
Location: classrooms

7:30 pm
Event: 3-11 Shift CNA Team Meeting
Location: SCU classroom

7:30 am
Event: CNA Competency
Location: Coastal Manor-SCU Classroom
Description: ends 10am

9:00 am
Event: Web Page Committee
Location: classroom 1

12:00 pm
Event: Surgical Services Meeting
Location: classroom 1
Description: ends 2pm

1:00 pm
Event: Patient Care Conference/NCR PIC
Location: classroom 2

2:30 pm
Event: CFO Director Meeting
Location: Adm Board Room
Description: 1 hour meeting

5:30 pm
Event: LTC RN Supervisor Team
Location: Large Conference Room - Coastal Manor

7:00 pm
Event: Alzheimer's Support Group
Location: dining room

7:30 am
Event: CNA Competency
Location: Coastal Manor-SCU Classroom
Description: ends 10am

9:00 am
Event: Powerpoint II
Location: classroom 1

12:00 pm
Event: Performance Improvement
Location: classroom 2

2:00 pm
Event: Recruitment/School Affiliation
Location: classroom 2
Description: ends 4pm

7:30 am
Event: CNA Competency
Location: Coastal Manor-SCU Classroom
Description: ends 10am

10:00 am
Event: SANE committee
Location: classroom 2
Description: ends 11am

11:30 am
Event: Stakeholder's Meeting
Location: classroom 2

12:00 pm
Event: STAR Luncheon
Location: Physician's Lounge
Description: ends 1pm

12:00 pm
Event: Smoking Cessation
Location: classroom 1

4:00 pm
Event: Pre-Employment Exam
Location: dining room

6:00 pm
Event: EMT School
Location: classrooms

7:30 am
Event: CNA Competency
Location: SCU Classroom- Coastal Manor
Description: ends 10am

1:00 pm
Event: CPR Renewal
Location: Coastal Manor
Description: ends 3:30pm