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In our growing market, Liberty Regional Medical Center is always looking to facilitate an adequate number of specialists to insure our growing patient population has the coverage required. If you are interested in this market as well as an excellent growth opportunity, please select your specialty below for our online CV submission form.

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CEO Perspectives

Michael Hester, CEO

In deciding to establish core values for Liberty Regional Medical Center, it became apparent it would require the teamwork of administration and the department directors. Our management team met on several occasions to collaborate on a concise set of values that have been incorporated in our operating standards for LRMC. These values are used as a means to define our culture and measure how we perform as a healthcare organization.

These core values are as follows:
We are accountable for our actions. We are trustworthy and act with respect for ourselves and others in an ethical manner and with integrity. We take pride in our work and are motivated to do our best. We are dedicated to our professions, our facility and our community. We are customer-focused and strive to be innovative in our delivery of care.

This brief set of statements provide a "True North" for all of our activities. I would welcome any feedback you may have concerning Liberty Regional's core values.

I would like to take this time to thank our military, including our employees, who have served and are still serving this great nation. Also to the family members of those serving, we appreciate your continued service to Liberty Regional Medical Center, often in the absence of your loved ones. It is not easy to juggle the demands of running a household, caring for children and duties of work. Your commitment captures the very spirit of our core values.

I encourage your continued embrace and support of our Organizational Core Values as we achieve them through you, our dedicated staff.